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 Sacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, USA

Geographische Breite: 38.5606221, Geographische Länge: -121.5022230 | Hier klicken, um eine Wegbeschreibung zu bekommen nach Sacramento City Cemetery
Sacramento City Cemetery

28.667 Grabes (Feb 2020)
1000 Broadway, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, USA
Alias: Historic City Cemetery, Old City Cemetery
The official name of the cemetery, according to a city ordinance, is "Historic City Cemetery of the city of Sacramento" (Ord. 2002_020 § 1 (part), 2002). According to Aug. 14, 2008 phone conversation with an employee of the cemetery archives: Many of the early burial locations in the cemetery are "unknowns". The woman said that way back then, the keeper of the cemetery was directed to re-number the graves. The guy left the area when he was finished and took the records with him. Though there may be grave numbers listed for a burial, the actual locations of those graves are unknown, as they do not have gravestones and were not able to be identified after he absconded with the records.


   Vorschaubild   Beschreibung 
Zimbelman, Otto Carl
Zimbelman, Otto Carl
Sacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, USA 

Alle Beerdigungen

 #   Nachname, Taufnamen   Begraben   Personen-Kennung 
1. Zimbelman, Otto Carl   begr. 21 Sep 1948 Sacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort I5883